Chronic Kidney Disease Patient Education Animation
✨ Creative Direction ✨ Script Writing ✨ Storyboard ✨ Illustration & Design ✨ Animation ✨Voice Casting
Client: New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) Medical Visualization Innovation Contest
Year: 2021
We crafted this animation specifically for a submission to the Medical Visualization Innovation Contest (MVIC), an annual event dedicated to recognizing emerging talents in the medical visualization field. The competition presented a distinctive challenge—participants were tasked with creating either medical illustrations or animations based on a selection of articles from the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) to convey the articles’ key messages. Our choice was the review article titled “Nutritional Management of Chronic Kidney Disease,” from which we skillfully extracted scientific findings and transformed them into a compelling and accessible narrative for the general public.
Despite the relative simplicity of the topic, our primary challenge lay in reorganizing and rewriting the messages to make them practical and beneficial for the patient population. Through the creation of a well-crafted script that converted the scientific discoveries into everyday foods and actionable tips, our animation effectively bridged the divide between cutting-edge research and the patient’s comprehension of the disease.
We are proud to announce that our animation emerged as the First Place winner at MVIC. The judging panel was comprised of esteemed medical illustrators from NEJM, underscoring the recognition and acclaim our work received within this competition.
Final Work
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